Overcoming Anxiety With The Help Of Individual Therapy
Anxiety is a condition that all of us face at some point in our lives. It typically manifests as some combination of apprehension, nervousness, fear and struggle. This condition dates far back in human existence, as anxious behaviors are believed to be rooted in evolutionary psychology with a goal of increasing action and vigilance when a threat is imminent. Much like the fight, flight or hide behavior, feeling anxious can serve as a protective measure when immediate decisions are necessary for the health and well being of the individual.
While some feelings of anxiousness are normal, such as feeling apprehensive immediately proceeding an important school exam, the birth of a child or a big job interview, more extreme distress can be problematic. Examples of extreme anxious behavior include dealing with post traumatic stress in a negative way, such as turning to complete isolation or self inflicting pain. Extreme anxiety manifests in both psychological and physical ways, causing panic, confusion, uncontrolled negative thought patterns, muscle tension, abnormal heart rhythms, sleep disturbances, obsessive-compulsions and other dangerous symptoms.
Dealing with feelings of inner turmoil and worry before they intensify to unhealthy levels is important for both physiological well being and improved mental health. This is why early intervention is so important. Simple steps that can lead to healing, including participating in yoga or other stress reducing practices, becoming familiar with meditation, enlisting the help of a support person or group, becoming diligent about getting enough rest at night, journaling thoughts and utilizing positive mantras. Exercise also causes the body to release powerful endorphins which can counteract anxious feelings, and laughter remains a key component in uplifting the spirit and creating a more positive state of being.
While all of these home remedies can assist you in combating feelings of anxiousness, sometimes the most beneficial tool comes in the form of individual therapy. Through therapy, I can help you to understand the root cause of any unhealthy thoughts, unraveling them and transforming them into something positive in your life. Research shows this is often more effective than commonly prescribed psychotropic medications, as many medications only serve to mask symptoms, and therapy addresses underlying causes, reinforces relaxation and helps an individual to develop coping skills. Therapy also comes without side effects, and that is something no medication can attest to doing. In addition, when therapy ends, you take with you valuable tools that can be used throughout your life when troublesome times or anxious feelings arise.
As a therapist, I believe in creating a healthy and productive collaboration, and I encourage open communication to help you resolve feelings of anxiety. In individual counseling sessions, we will work through your experiences and discover new ways to face your fears, rather than allowing them to overtake your life. In partnership with you, I will view your problems in a holistic way, helping you to reach inward for healing by developing new strengths, conquering your fears and finding your way toward a healthier, happier and more productive path in life.
If you are looking for help overcoming anxiety, contact me and we can work together to help you through recovery. Deciding to come to therapy is the first step to feeling better.